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Rosemary Plants

Q.Is My Rosemary Dying?

Zone Burnaby, BC | sistinec added on September 9, 2020 | Answered

I bought it 10 days ago in a plastic pot. It was a rainy day. It seemed healthy. I left it on the balcony for 3 days and it started curling. I thought it might need some water so I watered it until the water run out from the bottom hole. It’s condition worsened the next day. And then I bought a potting soil and relocated the rosemary to a bigger pot. It is getting shaded sun 5 hours and over 8 hours direct light.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 9, 2020

Overwatering will be the culprit, here.

From here, you will need a fungicide, and proper care.

These articles will help:



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