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Carrotwood Trees

Q.Is carrotwood tree allelopathic

Zone South florida | Anonymous added on April 5, 2016 | Answered

Mango tree planted on former site of carrotwood tree not thriving.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 6, 2016

I couldn't find anything in my research to suggest that the carrotwood tree was allelopathic, so let's talk about your mango tree and see what is happening with that. How old is the tree? How is your mango tree not thriving? How have you cared for it in terms of watering and fertilizing? Is it getting full sun? How long ago was the carrot wood tree removed before the mango tree was put in its place? And how was the carrotwood tree removed - any chemicals?

For more information on the care of mango trees and mango tree problems, please visit the following links:

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