Mango tree planted on former site of carrotwood tree not thriving.
I couldn't find anything in my research to suggest that the carrotwood tree was allelopathic, so let's talk about your mango tree and see what is happening with that. How old is the tree? How is your mango tree not thriving? How have you cared for it in terms of watering and fertilizing? Is it getting full sun? How long ago was the carrot wood tree removed before the mango tree was put in its place? And how was the carrotwood tree removed - any chemicals?
For more information on the care of mango trees and mango tree problems, please visit the following links:
There are small balls that drop from the tree. Are they harmful to dogs?
I have not been able to find a definitive answer on the toxicity of a Carrotwood Tree.
Please check with your vet or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control.
I have a carrotwood tree that I'm having a hard time growing grass under. People have told me the tree kills the grass. I live in southern Florida on the west coast. Is there any type of grass I can grow under this tree?? I'm thinking on planting St. Augustine. Thank You; John
The carrotwood's roots seem to be very hungry and grass and other plants have a hard time competing with them (the roots can also ruin sidewalks nearby), so removing it is probably the best option. Some say that the seed pods or the seeds of carrotwood also kill the grass. If you keep the tree, try to remove all the seedpods that fall. The seeds will also grow readily into carrotwood seedlings. I am not sure of any specific types of grass that would tolerate the tree better.
Also, please see these articles about the carrotwood tree's invasiveness: say
Will a Carrotwood tree do well in zone 8b Nevada?
No, not a good choice for that hardiness zone.
Sunset Zones 16 - 24; H1, H2.
USDA Hardiness Zones 10 - 11.
Hello, about three weeks ago we purchased two carrotwood trees, and had them planted. They have now lost all their leaves. The so-called nursery that we bought them from told us that they were not getting enough water, even though we followed there exact instructions. How much water should they be getting? And will the trees come back? We spent over $1,200 on the both of them.
A consistent watering regimen is needed immediately following planting in order to ensure that your new tree remains healthy and adapts to its new planting location.
Water your tree 5 gallons every 3 - 4 days, or a total of 10-15 gallons weekly. Because this is only a rule of thumb, it will need to be adjusted to your yard. To do this, check the soil moisture a few inches below the soil surface of the rootball. If the soil is very dry or leaves look wilted you will need to water more frequently. It should feel moist, but not soggy. If there is any excess moisture, wait 1-2 days then check the soil moisture again before watering. Too much water can be just as bad as not enough.
I have a mature, 25 years Carrotwood tree in the backyard. It became very messy, but it is beautiful and attracts birds. How can I get rid of seedlings without cutting down the tree?
Here's an article that will help you solve this problem:
I love our carrot wood tree and it provides a lot of shade. It’s about 23 years old and the last 10 years it’s been a very pale green with a bit of yellow. Leaves are dry and crunchy. I have given it many types of food over the years and nothing makes a difference. Lately I’ve been deep feeding with Ross root feeder fertilizer 25-10-10 Total nitrogen, available propagate, soulable potash and nothing has changed.. went from sprinklers to drippers last year and it has stayed the same. Any suggestions on what fertilizer to give it? My neighbors is deep green and we both have clay soil and he doesn’t feed his any fertilizer.
I would take your neighbor's advice and stop fertilizing. They don't need it and that might be what is causing the burn. It only needs water during drought times so make sure it isn't being overwatered.