Q.If I Have Trimmed A Youngii Birch Too Soon And It Is Weeping Sap Should I Treat The Cut Ends?
I only cut about 5 branches but they are weeping sap. I did this in early March. Will it kill the tree?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Cutting won't, necessarily, kill the tree. It will increase the likelyhood of infection through the open wound if done at the wrong time. (This should be done during dormancy)
Treatment needs to be done, immediately, after making such cuts to be effective. Even then, in many cases, it can trap diseases in if you aren't using a proper plant seal to prevent infection.
I would recommend letting it heal over on its own, now.
Here is an article for more information on tree wound dressing: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/tgen/wound-dressing-on-trees.htm