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Shrubs And Trees

Q.I Would Love Your Thoughts About Arborsculpture

Zone 94611 | Anonymous added on October 14, 2021 | Answered

I have some experience with this already, having taken a class in it and also being a professional landscaper with a permaculture certificate. My main interest is to push the envelope on the sorts of designs and structures that are possible. For my first projects I have been wondering if I can use fruit tree whips such as fig or cherry. I plan to make playhouses and gazebos which feel organic and magical. I plan on incorporating Chinese knot typing and inclusions of Chrystal to enhance the beauty of my designs. In order to establish even growth and permit me to sell the results, I plan on growing the trees in crates on revolving pedestals. I believe that people will pay tens of thousands of dollars for these living follies! I currently design table top topiaries and am branching out into life size living topiaries similar to those found in amusement parks. I just don’t know what all my options are with respect to trees. Willow is obvious but I love the idea of fruiting houses! Any thoughts about what fruit trees would be best? I think fig and cherry and plum would all work fine. What’s your opinion? Thanks so much for your help!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 21, 2021

I wouldn't recommend fruit trees because of the maintenance required. Fruit trees need to be on a regular spraying schedule to prevent disease and insects. In addition, most need annual pruning to perform well. There are also the issues of pollinator trees, hardiness zones, and chill hours.

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