Q.I Read Somewhere That You Assist With Soil For Garden Beds… Is This True? Thank You
I’m starting up my first raised garden bed and I read on a website that your local extension could possibly help out with the soil? I’m planning a composting worm bed with the layers starting with cardboard, wood, plant waste, compost, organic soil. If you don’t do this service, do you know where I can get organic soil from? Thank you so much 🙏🏻 I’m so excited to be able to ask experts for gardening advice! Lots to read on here too & grateful for that data as well.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
No, we don't provide that service but you can make your own organic soil by adding soil amendments such as compost or manure to your soil. You can buy compost since your worm compost will not be ready. Your local extension can offer more information. These articles should help: