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Shrubs And Trees

Q.I Need Help With My Tree Please!

Zone Le2 3JH | Cer28 added on June 4, 2020 | Answered

The tree in my garden suddenly lost all of its leave a few weeks ago. It was almost as though they were destroyed by something.. now it is bare. I’m not entirely sure what sort of tree it is (sorry!) but would greatly appreciate your help as it doesn’t look very well. Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 8, 2020

There are many things that cause this, unfortunately. Sudden tree death that is very fast will be attributed to a devastating little mushroom. Armillaria, or the Honey Mushroom. You will have to wait for fruiting bodies to confirm, or if you are aware of what the young rhizomorphs look like, you can find them at the base of the tree.

Other things include blights and diseases of all sorts, and can be caused by wet and warm environments.

Here are some articles that will help:



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