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Succulent Plants

Q.I Just Placed My New Plant Under A Grow Light And The Leaves Are Yellowing.

Zone Irvine, California | Plant123 added on October 3, 2022 | Answered

My mom just shipped me this Florida Ghost from Florida to California and it was in dirt and in a shipping box for two nights. I placed the plant in moist dirt and under my glow light. Two days later, the leaves are yellowing and I do not know why. Could it be because of the stress from shipping or is it because of the grow light. Also are the plants too close to the grow lights?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 3, 2022

We didn't get a photo if you sent one. Is it the succulent ghost or the philodendron ghost? If it is the succulent it didn't need moist soil. It likes a lot of light though. There could be some new environment shock going on, too. Here is info for the succulent:

If it is the philodendron, it needs bright, indirect light and moist, but not wet soil. Wait until the top 2 inches of soil is dry before watering to prevent root rot. During winter it needs very little water.

Yellowing leaves usually indicates over or underwatering. Depending on the type of plant you have will determine which it is.

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