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Q.Mushrooms have appeared at base of my new holly tree and privet hedge

Zone Inverness | Thistle colts added on May 22, 2019 | Answered

I have planted new hedge and tree 2 years ago. The hedge was well dug out before planting and I spent ages going through the soil and took a bit of time over the planting, and then covered it with Terran before mulching it. This year 3 weeks ago I layed a new lawn and have been giving it a lot of water. Whilst watering I noticed clumps of mushrooms about 8-10cms tall probably averaging about 4 per clump coming from the central stalks of the hedge where the Terran can’t cover.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 22, 2019

That's wonderful! It is good to know that you have a balanced ecosystem. They are helping you to clean up the soil. This is not a sapotrophic mushroom, and is not causing any harm.

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