Q.I Have Heard The Appropriate Time Of Year For Pruning A Large Flowering Dogwood Tree Is Late Fall/early Winter During Its
dormant period. Should I wait till all the leaves have dropped? And will pruning at this time remove the flower buds for the following Spring? When do they set their buds? My Dogwood tree is overgrown and very close to my house. The large top branches hit my gutters. I mostly need to reduce it’s size so it is less top heavy and improve the shape but I don’t want to miss the Spring flower show. Not sure how severely to prune and where along the branches to make cuts.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Pruning during dormancy will be the correct time, so that the tree does not contract diseases. They are very prone to infection, so that is why dormancy is the appropriate time to prune. This article will help you to do so: