Q.I have a redbud tree-was 8 ft..w/8ish good starter branches. A boy cut off all branches..it’s now a stick in the ground-5 ft. I cut
top at an angle hoping it will put on new growth. What else can i do? It has about a 2 inch area that is where a branch was torn off, and the area is somewhat fresh…could I scrape this area to possibly get it to start some growth there? I am sick, and just hate to lose it. Any help appreciated. Do you think it might start new growth at the top where I have cut it?
thanks for your advice.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You need to repair the 2 inch area where the branch was torn off. Instructions below. I also included information about overpruning and its damage.
Your tree has lost the branches that would provide leaves for photosynthesis. It may quickly grow back some spindly branches but the tree will mostly likely decline. You can wait and see how it responds, but the wounds have also opened it to disease. Keep it fertilized and watered properly and see how it does.