Q.I Have A Hosta Plant That Is Extremely Small. Why? [see Photos]
I have three hosta plants. All three are nourished, and two are flourishing, with flower stems. Third is extremely small with narrow leaves, no flowers at all, and is within 2 feet of the other flourishing hostas [same everything]….this very small hosta seems healthy otherwise. They receive morning sun only, I fertilize every 3-4 months, and I water regularly. What could be the issue? [see photos]

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This can be explained in two possible ways.
Either, this is just the luck of the draw and you got a plant with defunct genetics, or the conditions are just slightly less ideal than it prefers.
Since they prefer shade, this one could get too much sun. Or, there is a slight slope, it could be that the soil remains too wet in that spot.
To ensure the best growth, make sure to give them the best care possible, though it looks like you are doing a wonderful job with the other two!
This article will give you more information on their care: