Q.I had a 3″ Eastern Redbud snap off 2 foot from the bottom of the trunk. Thought it was dead, but now is growing up as bush! Is
there any way to make it grow back as tree? I had two Redbuds one which is still a beautiful tree. I’d like to bring the broken one back to match it.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 18, 2020
I don't believe the tree will ever grow back to its original shape or stature, but it may send healthy shoots up and form a shrub. If you want a tree like the original, you may have to remove this stump and plant a new tree.
Here's a helpful article: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/tgen/kill-zombie-tree-stump.htm
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