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Container Hibiscus Plants

Q.Hibiscus Care

Anonymous added on March 8, 2011 | Answered

I have two questions. The first is when should I repot my hibiscus tree? I live in Minnesota and I bought one last year. I want to repot it to match my other tree. When is a good time to do it? Now, before spring is in full force, to prepare for summer?

Also, my trees seem to go into shock when I first put them out in the summer and again when I bring them in for the winter. All leaves turn yellow and most, if not all, drop off. I try moving them a little at a time (in and out as temperatures change). We live on a lake and have many spiders. I tried spraying before bringing them in last year, but it didn’t work. Could that be part of the problem? The trees seem to be rid of spiders now though.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 9, 2011

To your first question, spring is a great time for repotting. To the second, it is caused by it not acclimating. You sound like you are on the right track with moving them slowly, it just has to happen even slower.

The spiders are spider mites, probably. I recommend using neem oil on them. We have found it to be very effective. Here is more information to help you:

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