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Q.How To Replant A Back Yard That Had Been Turned Into “wildflowers”?

Zone 48070 | Anonymous added on May 16, 2021 | Answered

I have a fairly large back yard that used to have a lawn, but then was sown with wildflowers about 10 years ago. These “flowers” have turned into weeds (I think, I have trouble identifying the plants I see). I would like to reclaim the yard, either with grass or with plantings that invite access into this area. Where do I begin?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 19, 2021

If you aren't in a huge hurry, I would let the wildflowers bloom for a year and see if there are any you want to keep. If so you can create some wildflower beds and if not, you can mow them down then spray with an herbicide containing glyphosate.


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