Do wildflowers come up looking like weeds?
Wldflowers are often sold in seed mixes, so it's hard to predict what the plants will look like. Yes, this can make the plants look like a patch of weeds at first.
If the seed packet includes a list of the types of flowers included, you can look up each plant individually to see what its leaves look like when it is a seedling or an older plant. If not, the only way to tell is to wait for them to flower.
How can we grow wild plants?
It is illegal to remove plants from private, state and federal lands. Your best bet is to find the native plant nursery nearest you; just do an internet search for them. The offer seeds, plants and lots of free advice. Also search for a chapter of or other native plant group near you. Collecting seed from the wild is not for beginners. First, it is difficult to tell some native plants from their invasive look-alikes. Second, many native seeds have specific germination requirements and may take months before they sprout. Buy from the native plant nursery that is closest to you. They will have the seeds and plants that have evolved and thrived in your climate and soil conditions.
The flowers are getting pretty tall , it's till cold here in Illinois, like to plant themuydoors but I don't think they would survive from the elements. I would love to get any suggestions on what I could do. Thank you, Regards, Patrick Rafferty
When creating the recipe for "How to Make Seed Balls" found on your website, are we to measure by weight or volume? EX: I am using 1-lb of seeds. The volume is around 2-quarts volume. Do I measure the potting soil, clay mix, and water by weight or volume? I am creating a family activity to make wildflower seed balls from local flowers. I work at a local history museum. Thank you, Mary Ann Ruelas
Planted a wildflower and grass meadow in spring which has already been overtaken by weeds. Used glyphosate prior to planting to prep ground but all grown back with a bang!
Unfortunately, this will have to be a purely preventative effort. Once you get weeds established in the wildflower bed, it will be impossible to get rid of them. They grow under the same conditions, but better.
Maintenance will have to be done by hand. Pulling anything unwanted before it goes to seed.
This article will explain in more detail:
Hi I am growing wildflowers from seed pods for the first time. I am not sure what flowers they are. I will attach 2 photos. Thanks!
Since many wildflowers are very closely related, it will be near impossible to give an ID, since they will look very similar.
You may have to wait until it grows out a little to get an ID.
I planted some shooting stars in a half whisky barrel and they do not want to bloom. The ones I planted directly into the ground are doing fine. Is there a reason the container plants are not blooming?? Am I missing something?
There is clearly something in the ground that they aren't getting in the pot. Here's an article to help you know how to feed them: