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Plumeria Plants

Q.How To Remove A Squishy Tip Of A Potted Plumeria?

Zone 92081 | dawnheflin added on November 16, 2023 | Answered

My potted plumeria is 2 years old and I haven’t got blooms yet . It got sunburned last summer but recovered. Then before bringing the plant inside for the winter it lost all 7 leaves. Right now it’s mid November and the tip of the top of the stalk is very mushy and dark color. Do you think that I should treat my plumeria with a fungicide? I have used neem oil in the soil to prevent bugs . I have a grow light 6 in away from the plant at least 8 hours a day . The plant is now getting little green nodes or shoots on it (4).

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 16, 2023

Yes, I would advise applying a fungicide and removing the softer part of the plant. New shoots will be a good sign! This means that it is trying to recover! Make sure to only water when the top half of the soil in the container is dry. You will want it to receive a little less water during the winter months.


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