Q.How long do I keep watering my hyacinths that are in water vases & soil pots after they have bloomed? I have a great cool basement
when the bulbs are ready to store & rest. I managed to get my stored amaryllis bulb to grow leaves Yay! but it did not flower.
I love your website, for resources to learn about indoor bulb cultivation!
We live at over 10,000 feet! I have a master organic vegetable gardening friend & we are quite good with those projects, takes many weeks of germination, transplanting, transplanting & many nights of covering once planted due to our very short “frost free” nights [can be as little as 25].
Thanks for your advice, Ms. Lee
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You will start slowly backing off of the water until they bring themselves into dormancy. They can be forced into dormancy anytime after flowering, and the decrease of available water is usually what starts the process. Once the tops have dried up then you can begin the process of forcing dormancy.
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