We have new hostas put in our landscaping this year. It has been very dry here. I have been watering these plants some every day. Some plants are turning brown (the leaves) and something is eating on some of them. We do have a lot of birds around this year. A lot of blackbirds have been dying, but a lot of farmers are having that problem this year. How much should I water these plants? Thank you.
t may be that the plants are getting too much water. Most outdoor plants only need about 2-4" of water a week, including rainfall, during the spring and summer. If they are getting more than that and the ground is not draining, the roots could be rotting. You need to make sure that the plants are only getting the amount of water they need and that they are not in standing water. You may also want to check the crowns for signs of rotting.
As for the leaves being eaten, I would say the culprit would be slugs, which LOVE to feed on hostas. This article will help with these pests: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/facts-about-slugs-and-how-to-kill-garden-slugs.htm