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Cherry Tomatoes

Q.homegrown cherry tomatoes

Anonymous added on July 13, 2015 | Answered

Tomatoes are starting to ripen. One tasted very bitter. What causes bitterness? We used Miracle Grow vegetable garden soil for the first time. It was added to the existing soil as directed. So, why are they tasting sour/bitter?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 13, 2015

There are actually a few things that can cause bitterness in tomatoes. One is the soil. I would have it tested to check its pH as well as any deficiencies. If the soil is too acidic, that factored in with the normal acidity of tomatoes can lead to a more bitter tasting tomato. If the soil is low on potassium, this can cause bitterness as well, especially if there has been lots of rain lately or if watering too much--this can leach potassium from the soil. In addition, picking them too early can lead to bitter tomatoes. Cooler than average temps can be a factor as well.

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