Q.Hibiscus Leaves Falling Off
I recently brought my hibiscus plant back outside now that the weather is warmer. It seemed to do great the first couple of days, then one day it fell over due to high wind. I didn’t think anything of it. The next day I gave it a heavy watering and the day after that most of the leaves turned almost white on the inner part of the leave and fell off. Any suggestions?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Plants need to go through a period of acclimation to adjust to a new environment. During this adjustment period, it is not uncommon for plants to shed their leaves. Oftentimes, they will come back; however, if your plant was simply placed outdoors in full sun without acclimating it first, it may be in shock or suffering from sunscald. Move it to a less sunny area and gradually increase the amount of light it receives. Also, allow the plant to dry out some between watering or you will risk having the roots rot.