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Q.Bought two oleander plants; when they arrived they were in plastic pots. Do I have to remove the plastic pots to put them in ceramic

Anonymous added on April 20, 2020 | Answered

pots or can I just plant them strait into ceramic pot? The plants are 80-100 cm — sorry don’t know how to send images — they’re 3ft high trees.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 21, 2020

It would be fine to put them into your ceramic pots, so long as they are not much larger than the plastic pots the plants have been used to. If you want to put them inside the ceramic pot but keep them in the plastic pot, that is fine, too. Make sure to pull them out when watering so the ceramic pot doesn't hold water on the bottom, which could lead to root rot.

Here's an article about transplanting oleanders: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/oleander/transplanting-oleanders.htm
and another about how to avoid transplant shock.

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