Q.Having Problems Growing Jackfruit Tree From Seeds
Hi, I have three jackfruit seeds. I tried germinating all of them using the avocado seed method, putting them half way in water. All three developed roots- one main roots, with smaller ones coming out of it. When the plant appeared from seeds, I planted two of them, when it was about 5-6cm tall. After that they started to dry. The soil is some potting mix for flowers I bought. it is quite wed, not dry. The last seed is still in water, and I do not know what to do with it. It has just started to grow from the seed, and it is about half cm tall now. Please advice

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It sounds like, since the soil has not had a chance to dry out, it has contracted an infection.
Make sure that when you go do purchase a soil that it is just barely moist. Saturated soils that have been left out to the weather, but in bag, or poorly maintained where they originated will leave soil infected with bacteria.
If you must use that soil, I would bake it at 200 degrees Fahrenheit for 3 hours. (Usually the lowest setting of an oven.)
After this, it will be suitable for planting. Make sure to let the soil dry out at least 2 or 3 inches down between waterings. This will keep future infections at bay.
Here is an article that will help you to grow these trees: