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Black Mission Fig Trees

Q.Growing Figs

Anonymous added on August 13, 2015 | Answered

I have a very healthy 1 year old fig tree in a container on my patio. It has lovely healthy leaves and buds. When can I expect it to give me fruit and will it bloom first or what can I expect? I have not grown figs before. It is a Mission Fig. Many thanks for your input.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 14, 2015

It would be helpful to know the state where you live and the climate zone. Also, is the fig the same variety as a hardy northern fig, or is it a fig suited only for warm climates? I once lived in an apartment in Houston, TX, that had a beautiful fig tree in the courtyard. Of course, Houston is in climate zone nine, which was mild for growing a fig tree. As for the tree producing flowers and fruit, it may need another fig tree for pollination. I am unable to answer your other questions, but perhaps you can find the information through "Google."

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