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Grape Tomato Plants

Q.Grape Tomatoes Green Inside

Anonymous added on September 1, 2011 | Answered

My grape tomatoes look great on the outside but the central core of a tomato becomes tough and remains green or greenish-white. The walls of the fruit can also be pale and seeds are stunted and immature. What causes this? (My other tomato varieties have performed very poorly with lots of problems. I do not seem to have much luck with tomatoes at all. )

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 2, 2011

The weather could very well be the problem. When temps are above 85 F, tomatoes slow ripening. When temps are 95 F or higher, tomatoes can stop ripening all together. Many parts of the country are experiencing high heat, and if you are as well, this could cause the tomatoes to either ripen unevenly or stop ripening all together. It should correct itself when the temps come down.

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Answered on September 29, 2011

It sounds like stink bugs to me. They suck the juice out of tomatoes leaving green hard spots on the inside. If your other varieties are doing the same thing, look for brown or green stinkbugs. Sunlight might be a problem if they
are not getting enough sun.

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