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Grape Hyacinth

Q.grape hyacinth garden plant

Anonymous added on June 20, 2015 | Answered

I have several grape hyacinths planted along the edge of my garden. They are lovely when in bloom. Having only taken over this garden in the last 12 months, I left everything to see what came up in the growing season. The grape hyacinths looked awful after they flowered and then later in the summer, bloomed again. Is this usual and, if so, how can they be made to look presentable before they bloom again?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 21, 2015

This is highly unusual. In fact, I've never heard of grape hyacinths blooming in summer at all. Are you certain that's what they are? As for making the plants more presentable after blooming, you can over plant the area with annual flowers, which bloom right after and will hide the unsightly growth of the gape hyacinths (as they need their foliage and should not be cut back).

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