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Gooseberry Bushes

Q.Gooseberry maggots

Anonymous added on May 25, 2019 | Answered

We have a red currant, back currant, and a gooseberry and noticed a few years ago they had maggots. Last year we picked and threw away as many of the berries as possible as they started to develop. This year I have started doing the same, as soon as the berries start to develop we are picking them off the plant and throwing them away hoping to stop the worm/fly lifecycle. I have zero interest in a chemical spray. My question is, how far of a territory will the adult fly go to lay eggs? If a neighbor has an infected plant could the fly come to our plant and lay eggs or do they generally lay eggs on the plants that they emerge up from in the spring? Also, how long does the adult fly live?
Thanks so much!

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Answered on May 26, 2019
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