What manure and fertilizer should be used to get fruit from a gooseberry tree?
This article should help you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/gooseberries/growing-gooseberries.htm
When is the best time to transplant gooseberry bushes? What time of year? I live in Zone 5.
I was given a Pixwell gooseberry bush. When planting, does it take full of partial sun, or shade? How big does it get?
This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/gooseberries/growing-gooseberries.htm
Please can you tell me why I get no fruit or flowers on my gooseberry bush, which looks healthy, grows well and the leaves are green? The plant is 10 years old, well fed and pruned at the centre. It has produced no fruit for 6 years. It is in a south facing position in well aerated soil. The garden is in S. W. Cornwall.
It is probably too much nitrogen and too little phosphorus. Add some bone meal to increase phosphorus. This article will help:
I am not getting any fruit from my bushes. They are about two years old in half barrels and well fertilized.
Your plants are still to young. These type of berries need at least 3 years to mature enough to bear fruit. You may find this article of help:
I have been trying to grow gooseberries, but so far I have big bushes this year but no fruit. Can you help?
This article will help with growing gooseberry plants: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/gooseberries/growing-gooseberries.htm
If you are getting plenty of flowers but nothing produces, then it is most likely due to poor pollination. Hand pollination often helps. Here is more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/beneficial/insect-pollination-process.htm
I need to know in what month gooseberries ripen in northern Indiana. I'm writing a book set in the early 1900s and I want the cook to make a gooseberry pie, but the time is early July and I don't know if they'd be ripe yet. If it matters, the summer has been extremely hot, after an extremely cold winter.
The gooseberry bushes are one of the few bushes growing berries that are harvested just before peak ripeness. Most are picked when they are green just before turning reddish-brown, which is when they become completely ripe. Normally harvesting occurs between July and August.