Q.Gardening Under A Black Walnut Tree
I recently moved into an apartment that has a garden available for us. The area is minimally 24×24 ft. I’ve been taking out the overgrowth and the soil seems good, currently working on creating a compost bin. The only thing that worries me is the the plot is right under a giant black walnut tree. We can’t cut it down or move the garden area. I guess I’m asking for what types of edible plants can I grow and how do I combat the falling nuts so they don’t damage any plants? Any other advice is welcomed as this is my first official in ground garden (before was just in containers). Thank you in advance.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
ou might consider raised beds with fresh soil and then you wouldn't have to worry about the juglone that is produced by the black walnut tree. However, you would need a barrier on the bottom so the roots don't go into the ground.
Also, the shade under the tree might be too much for vegetables, which need full sun. These articles should help:
When the nuts fall in autumn, you can cover the plants, if possible, with screening to keep the nuts out of the garden. Leaves also need to be removed.