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Redbud Trees

Q.Forest Pansy Tree

Zone Zone 5, I think Sheboygan Wisconsin | Anonymous added on June 9, 2016 | Answered

Last spring we planted a forest pansy tree. There were leaves til fall. This year there are no buds or leaves. Is it dead because it doesn’t look as though it is. There are 2 sprouts coming up at the bottom. Why is that? Should I leave it for another year? Maybe it’s my soil?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 10, 2016

If you see no leafing on the tree branches and the stems snap and break, your tree most likely did not survive the winter.
New trees in particular have suffered from the harsh winter that nearly the entire United State suffered.
The sprouts coming from the base of the tree are most likely growing up from the root stock that your Redbud Tree was grafted on.
There is no telling what root stock was used therefore no way to tell what is growing.

Most reputable garden centers will replace a tree lost in the first year and I would contact them for a replacement.

Here is a link to Redbud Tree care.


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