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Anthurium Plants

Q.Food for Anthurium?

Zone Unknown. Toronto, Ontario Canada | Anonymous added on November 12, 2018 | Answered

Got this plant since September of this year at indirect sunlight. One brown spot only one healthy green leave. I use three ice cubes every once a week. What seems to go wrong. Does it need any supply of nutrients. If so, I don’t know what to look for. I am afraid to use Jobe’slant food spike 13-4–5. Please help, your advise would be greatly appreciated as I love this beautiful plant.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 13, 2018

Does this leaf happen to touch a cold window? This can cause an issue. This article will give you more information on the care of this plant: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/anthurium/anthurium-care.htm

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