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Q.Extra Soil

Zone 11358, Zone 7 | Anonymous added on August 19, 2022 | Answered

I have rearranged my yard and have extra soil left over from laying a patio. I would like to disburse it around the remainder of my yard but in doing so will result in covering some perennials and spring bulbs. If I add about an inch or more over these plants will that prevent them from growing ext Spring?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 29, 2022

Your bulb foliage should have died back by now so it would be OK to cover those. Your perennials are probably still up, though, so I wouldn't suggest covering them. Do you have some extra space where you could create a small berm with the soil and add more flowers or shrubs? Or how about a new raised bed made with the soil?

If you needed to fill in some soil around the perennials, that would be OK. Keep the soil away from the stems, though, or you'll be inviting root or stem rot.

Another option if you don't have too many perennials is dig them up when the weather cools, add the soil, then replant.


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