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Fountain Grass

Q.Dwarf fountain grasses

Zone Berwyn, IL 60402 | motznel@hotmail.com added on April 20, 2016 | Answered

Live in Chicago. Have four dwarf fountain grasses near sidewalk. Well drained soil. Partial sun (know it’s not ideal). I have lost 1-2 over the winter past 2 years. No new growth. Are they taking a hit with the snow shoveled on them over the winter? Something else? Thanks in advance.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 21, 2016

Make sure you are growing a variety that is hardy to your growing zone.
Though snow is generally a good insulator for plants, compacted heavy snow may not allow enough air circulation for the plants.
Also salts from the sidewalk and streets that spray onto the area will kill the plants.


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