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Q.Dogwood shrub

Zone Jamestown Nd zone 4 | Anonymous added on February 28, 2019 | Answered

I will be moving and I have a beautiful dog wood shrub with red bark. Can I move it live in zone 4, or how can I start new from the branches? It’s February and snowy.  Moving in April thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 1, 2019

It sounds like you have red osier dogwood, also called red twig dogwood. If you are in a house that was just sold, the shrub is considered part the buyer's property if it isn't explicitly excluded in the sale document. Since the ground is probably still frozen, digging it up isn't possible. But, it is possible to take cuttings. Red osier dogwood readily roots from cuttings. Here is an article that explains the process.

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