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Hosta Plant

Q.Does This Hosta Have A Virus?

Zone Massachusetts | Graywinf added on May 20, 2020 | Answered

The plant is 3 years old and started coming up with very crinkled & distorted leaves. If this is a virus, should I destroy the plant? Some of my other hostas look like their leaves might also be started to curl. Please help!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 21, 2020

Has the light changed in the area? If there is no shade here, I would provide just a little. This will help. Even though the lighter colored cultivars withstand brighter sun, they do benefit from the shade.

Other than that, simply provide the proper conditions for the plant, and it will continue on. They aren't too fussy, outside of their environmental conditions.


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Answered on May 21, 2020

It probably gets too much sun, as a tree that shaded it was removed. I’d actually intended to post a picture of a blue cupped variety that s very crinkled. I think they both get too much sun now, but I don’t have another place to move them. Thanks for the answer.

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