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Carrotwood Trees

Q.Do You Recommend Carrotwood Tree For A Landscape?

Zone Venice Fl | Cristinadanila6 added on May 9, 2022 | Answered

I can’t believe you recommend the carrotwood trees, they are crazy invasive, they take over in the forests, the seeds go very far via birds or wind. In the back of my property they destroyed citruses and pine trees. If we cut one, more will grow there, if the wind broke one, there are a hundred from its trunk. We worked for months to clean a forest and it’s almost impossible.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 10, 2022

To be fair to all gardeners worldwide, we must include information for all plants and trees. In reality, ANY plant has the capacity to become invasive, given the proper environment, so it is the sole responsibility as a responsible gardener to ensure that proper research is done before planting any plant in one's area.

For example, if we were to exclude any plants that have the capacity to become invasive in any part of the world, our website would not be able to contain much information.

This would be unfair to much of the world that can grow these trees to leave out the information to do so, when research should always be done before planting in one's area. In fact, planting blacklisted plants can lend to fines and jail time, making it even more important for each gardener to research applicable laws and regulations in the area before planting anything that one is unfamiliar with.

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