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Q.Do you know what this plant is?

Zone Imperial beach zone 10 | jennettbono added on February 5, 2019 | Answered

We just moved into this house and i want to take up gardening. I really like the way these look and was thinking of putting a trellis up. It’s grown quite a bit after we had a lot of rain lately.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 5, 2019

It would not be wise to let that grow. That is Campsis radicans. This is a very invasive plant that will completely destroy foundation, sensitive plants and trees, and completely engulf structures. They also attract thousands of ants.

I would recommend getting rid of it manually, and then pouring boiling water over the area for a week. Make sure to kill any instances that crop up further away too, since the roots will send up new shoots far from the original stump.

I'm sorry that you have been plagued by this plant, and I hope that you can get rid of it before it destroys everything. This plant will laugh off harsh chemicals as if it were being watered, so get ready for a battle. Boiling water will kill just about anything with enough persistence.

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