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Mint Plants

Q.Do I Need to Put a Stake in the Ground to Attach the Mint Plant To?

kpashia added on April 9, 2011 | Answered

I am new to gardening and I have planted some mint, it is growing horizontally. I have read on some places that it is supposed to grow 8 inches tall. Should I attach it to a stake, or be patient and wait for it to root? I planted it 5 days ago. It has doubled in size, but not vertically!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 10, 2011

Typically, mint does not require any staking, though it will not hurt the plant to do so...if it makes you feel more at ease. There are numerous types of mint plants, so it growing characteristic depends largely on the variety you are growing. This article will help you with growing mint in the garden: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/mint/how-to-grow-mint-plants-in-your-garden.htm

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