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Desert Rose Plants

Q.desert rose seed propagation

Zone dunnellon, fl. 34431 | mzprefontm added on October 2, 2016 | Answered

This is my first attempt to grow desert roses from seed. I placed a container of cells and put in a good draining soil, listened added a seed and slightly covered the seed. I put water in a hopeless tray and placed the cell of seeds inside the tray and will water the top every 3 days as suggested until they germinate, My question is, should I have put some pebbles in the bottom prior to putting the planted cells on top? Or is it ok to sit the cells right into the partially filled base tray with water? I read that it would have been better to pre-soak the seeds first. Is this true or will they grow anyway? how much water should I keep in the planting tray below the cell of seeds? Thanks for any response.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 4, 2016

Im a bit confused on how to water from below unless you put the cells in water, or r they trying to say to just sit thm in the watered tray for a minute, then remove it?

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Answered on October 3, 2016

I would not recommend sitting the germination cells into a tray of water.

You can water them from below, then remove that water.

Here is an article that will help you.


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