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Sweet Corn

Q.Deformed Sweetcorn Stalk.

Zone So, Mn | fxkortuem.111 added on June 27, 2020 | Answered

I have been growing sweetcorn for many years. In my patch this year there are two stalks that are deformed. This happened within the last week. These particular stalks are about four feet tall. The top five leaves have been gathered together and it looks like they have been twisted to hold them in position in a peak. At the twist there looks like there is some damage from some insect. I carefully took the twist apart and found nothing in the first stalk. In the second one there was a very, very tiny spider. I doubt that this spider could have taken full grown corn leaves, pulled them to a peak, and then twisted them together. I have never seen this in my sweetcorn over the last 30 years. Do you have any thoughts? Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 30, 2020

Unfortunately, your photo did not come through. I am unable to assess the damage.

One thing that does come to mind is the leafroller.

Here is an article for more information:


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