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Q.Dahlia Replanting

Anonymous added on September 17, 2012 | Answered

I wanted to remove the bulbs and put in a different area in my yard, which I did. My question is, can I replant the bulbs now? Also, is Miracle Grow topsoil ok to use when replanting? I understand that I should also use some blood meal. If I cannot plant now, what is the best way to store them so I will be able to use again next year?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 18, 2012

Tender bulbs, such as dahlia, actually require lifting each fall and overwintering indoors in cold regions. So if you're in a cold climate, you will have to store your dahlias until next season. Break up the clumps and separate the bulbs, allowing them to dry out some before storing, usually about a week or two in a cool, dry area. Then, clip off the foliage, shake off any remaining soil and pack the bulbs in dry peat moss or wood shavings within a brown paper bag or cardboard box. Place them in a dark area with cool room temperatures, like a basement, until spring.

If you live in the South, however, you can replant them and they will return on their own.

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