Q.Cylamen persicum
I received a beautiful pink one for Valentine’s Day this year. Within the 2 weeks that I have had it, most all of the leaves have turned yellow and the blooms are gone. I have about 6 good green leaves and what looks like one bloom in the beginning stages. It still is small, very small, and is taller than the leaves. Is my plant beginning to go into the dormant stage or have I killed this plant in only 2 weeks? The soil is moist now, so I have not watered it and the leaves that are still on it look healthy. I have just let them yellow. Leaves just wilt and will pinch them off as they die off. Please help me if you can.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It sounds like it may be a bit too warm. If you place it somewhere a bit cooler, it should stop yellowing. Ideally, they like to be at about 68 F and no warmer.