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Cyclamen Plants

Q.Cyclamen Plants

Zone Saint Augustine, FL | bjsweeney66 added on May 11, 2017 | Answered


I am so happy to see your post regarding Cyclamens.
I have a Cyclamen plant which has gone dormant. I have read that the plant should go dormant for 2 months. My situation is that I will not return for 5-6 months. The plant will be indoors with A/C set to 78. Will the plant survive or should I remove the bulb?

Thank you,
Barbara Sweeney

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 15, 2017

5 to 6 months is quite a long time. Can you give the plant to someone to care for in your absence?

If you cannot have someone care for the plant, remove the corm after dormancy and store in a paper bag in a cool (50 degree F) dark, and dry location.

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