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Cyclamen Plants


Zone 4012 | Anonymous added on May 25, 2016 | Answered

I have 2 different questions about 2 different plants.

1. I split one large corm that I thought was dead into two. Both have since produced large green leaves but no flowers. How can I get them to flower?

2. I have 2 plants from Aldi that are about 1 year old and are healthy, but they show no signs of dying back and still produce the occasional flower and the leaves, whilst green, are getting coarser in texture. I still water them.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 26, 2016

A cool location is important to the health of a Cyclamen. A good trick is to enjoy the plant on a table during the day, away from direct sunlight and then tuck it into a cool room for the evening.


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