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Cherry Tomatoes

Q.Cherry tomatoes

Zone Brisbane Australia | Ryan D added on September 1, 2017 | Answered

Hi. I’ve posted a few queries about tomatoes lately. This one is about two cherry tomato plants that I planted recently. I bought them together; they come in the same plastic container. I planted them on the same day, each in a separate pot, closer to each other (they get about the same sunlight but a nearby patch if bamboo means they’re not both in the sun at the exact same time).

The first plant is shown in the first two photos. It’s growing quite fast and the leaves look healthy. The next two photos are the second plant. It’s also growing but it’s not spreading as much as the first. But what’s really concerning me is the leaves. They look more rounded, less well formed and more stunted than the first plant. No sign of disease. Feeding and watering has been the same. At a loss to know what it is or if it matters. Can anyone help? Thanks.

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Answered on September 4, 2017
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