Q.Cherry tomato leaves
A few of my cherry tomato leaf tips are a little yellowish. I started to fertilize with quarter strength of fish emulsion and seaweed fertilizer every week once the plants started to show true leaves. 2 weeks ago I increased to half strength and last week I forgot to dilute and I used full strength and sprayed on the follage as well. Could I have over fertilized?
My tomatoes are 7 weeks and I grow them indoor near the window. They received 6 hours to sunlight daily.
I always tell gardeners not to give an adult dose to a child. Your plant isn't a seedling but it isn't full grown either. Fertilizer burn is real. Your leaves show minimal signs of trouble so I'd water with plain water for 1-2 weeks and go back to half strength fertilizer. What does the container recommend? The manufacturer wants you to have good results (and buy more) and they've tested their product.