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Container Blueberry Bushes

Q.Caring for blueberry container over winter

Anonymous added on September 26, 2015 | Answered

I have a very healthy blueberry bush given me this spring. It has flourished outside on our deck in a large container. As we live in a condo, I can’t plant my bush and wonder what to do over our harsh, snowy cold winter. Should I bring it indoors? Cut it back? Cover it? Please let me know as it is so healthy now and I would love to see blueberries on it in the years to come. Thanks.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 28, 2015

Blueberries are naturally hardy. Normally, potted plants can be overwintered in a garage or similar unheated structure but since you cannot do this, the roots will require some protection during winter by wrapping the container in blankets, bubble wrap, or quilt batting. As long as the roots are protected, they should live through the winter just fine. Water them 1-2 times a month over winter whenever there is no precipitation.

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