Q.care for bouganvilla in maryland weather-
am using as a hanging plant-how to and when to prune. it is now blooming and have brought it inside to its winter east window home.

You will likely encounter one of two problems with your bougainvillea: lack of blooms or too-rapid growth. If the plant is not blooming, cut back on watering for a few weeks. They naturally bloom in the spring and seem to bloom harder in drier years. Bougainvillea needs to be trimmed to maintain its shape. However, be aware that bougainvillea flowers along its long branches so aggressive pruning of new growth will reduce bloom color. The best approach is to prune in the autumn after the growing season is complete so the plant will bloom from next season’s new growth.
Light: Full sun. Many growers move bougainvillea outside during the summer months.
Water: Keep evenly moist during the summer and nearly dry in winter. Bougainvillea blooms better with drier winter conditions.
Temperature: Relatively hardy. These plants are able to withstand tropical high temperatures and cold down to the mid-40s F. If you've moved your bougainvillea outside for the summer, keep an eye on falling nighttime temperatures in the autumn and bring it in if the temperature is expected to fall below 50 F. Likewise in the spring, be careful not to take it outside until nighttime temperatures warm up to around 50 F.
Soil: Well-drained potting mix with plenty of perlite.
Fertilizer: Feed your plant in the summer with weak liquid fertilizer weekly or use controlled-release fertilizer.