In southern California, when do I trim the frost damaged branches from my Bougainvillea? New growth is appearing.
I would wait until spring to cut back the plant. It will help protect the new growth, just in case another freeze occurs. These articles will help you:
I have three different bougainvillea plants, one in a pot and two planted in different locations. None of them have come back yet from winter. We live in central California, so I should see some color by now--at least something green. What is going on?
I am sorry to hear about your plants. This cold has damaged many plants this year. These articles will help you:
The leaves have wilted and browned and blow away. It went through a beautiful growth spurt two months ago after I was advised to add potash to the soil. Growth has stopped and my plant is looking down and out with no new life and no new white leaves only green ones. I have added more potash, a week ago, to no avail. We have a full north facing large courtyard and I have placed a climbing frame into the pot.
There are alot of things that could do this. Try giving it some balanced fertilizer (potash is mostly for potassium) and then treat the plant with neem oil. Neem oil will kill any fungus or pests that may be affecting the plant.
My bougainvillea trees were damaged by the freeze in Florida this year. I pruned them at the first sign of spring and new growth is growing only out at the base. Both trees are over 6 feet tall; and if I cut down to where the green of the trunk is, how do I get them to grow back to the height they were or will they grow back at all?
Typically, a bougainvillea tree is pruned in a specific way to get it into a tree shape.The best time to prune bougainvillea is in late winter or early spring after it flowers, or at the start of the rainy season. If you wait until late summer or early fall, your plant may produce fewer flowers during the following winter.
I recently bought a bougainvillea plant in a hanging pot. It has been very hot and dry here in Louisiana--quite awhile with no rain. I have it outside in a shaded area, but the leaves and blooms are drying up. How much should I water this plant? Should I put it in a larger pot? Please advise.
Potted plants, especially those in hanging baskets, should be watered daily. If temps are over 80 F., then they may even need to be watered twice a day.
Grasshoppers have decimated two bougainvillea plants in my yard while I was away. They are 20 years old. Will the plants come back if I cut them way back?
Yes, it will come back as long as you don't cut back than a third of the plant. This article will help with the caterpillar problem:
Could you please let me know what the best way to grow bougainvillea is in Houston, TX (which is Zone 9B-10)? I know they like heat and sunlight and we have both, but last year I planted them and they died! Also, if you have tips for Jasmine, I would really appreciate it.
The Bougainvillea grows quickly in a Sunny location. It forms long tendrils, and therefore requires trellis as support. After heavy rain showers, the leaves could be quickly. The perfect place is where is the Plant protected from the rain and at the same time, it gets a lot of sun light.