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Container Yucca Plants

Q.Can You Take Cuttings From Yuccas

Zone flowers | tayloc66 added on February 24, 2013 | Answered

My son has a yucca that has a main trunk with a branch coming off this trunk. The plant is growing well but it was laying against the side of the pot. I lifted the plant away from the side of the pot to find that the main trunk was hollow, which you could press together, so could not understand why it was growing so well. What can I do to save the plant from falling over completely?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 25, 2013

The following article has methods of propagation. The first method works well with yucca plants. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/hpgen/propagating-houseplants-from-cane-cuttings-and-divisions.htm
If you enter "yucca" into the search window at the top of the article, you will access several other articles concerning yucca plants.

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